Five Live free code school - Frequently Asked Questions

What is Five Live?

The Five Live free code school is an experiment in software developer training.

My name is Erik Gross. You can learn more about me on my home page. I have helped thousands of people to learn technology skills and to break into the tech industry. Along the way I’ve co-founded a successful software developer boot camp and co-authored several technology books.

Now I’ve created a platform where anyone can be part of a software developer boot camp, for free, at their own pace: Five Live free code school.

How does it work?

The live, online classes have five students - the same five people throughout the training program. They participate in a virtual classroom, held in a Zoom meeting. Through in-class instruction and homework outside of class, I teach them to be well-rounded, entry-level software developers. In front of the world. All for free.

And anyone can watch along and learn.

How do I join the code school?

Anyone can watch the classes and do the homework. If you are diligent, you’ll get through the program and you’ll be a well-rounded entry-level full-stack developer.

However, we will only ever have five students in the actual (virtual) classroom.

If for some reason one of the five students has to drop out, we will invite another to take their place from our waiting list. If you’ve been following along with the classes and the homework, you’re eligible to become one of the five live students.

You can apply to be on the waiting list here.

Where can I watch the classes?

All classes are broadcast live on the internet, on my Twitch channel

When are the live classes held?

While the schedule may change, for now the live classes are held twice a week:

  • Sundays from 8-9:30 p.m. Pacific
  • Mondays from 8-9:30 Pacific

For current schedule info, see the Twitch channel.

What if I can’t watch the classes when they are broadcast?

Recordings of all classes are uploaded to my YouTube channel 24 hours after the live stream. They will be on the YouTube channel permanently, so you can review them at your own pace.

How do I get access to the homework?

All homework assigments and class materials are available on a publicly-accessible folder:

Will my homework get graded/assessed?

If you’re one of the five students actually in the classroom, yes - I review every assignment, and give feedback.

If you’re following along as a viewer, no. Unfortunately, I don’t have the infrastructure in place to do that. However, there is a channel on the Five Live Discord server where you may find help from others who are following along.

What help is available if I’m just following along with the classes as a viewer?

A Discord channel is available for viewers to help each other with homework, etc.

Anyone may join the Discord server; here is a permanent invite:

I don’t monitor it or respond with technical feedback or advice - but it can be very helpful. And please, if you use the channel: remember Wheaton’s Law.

What will I learn?

The program trains students to be well-rounded full-stack developers, with a focus on JavaScript. We also cover the fundamentals of computers and technology, so you will be well prepared to navigate a changing tech landscape as you move through your career. Finally, we cover the job search and how to continue your self-study once you’re employed in the industry.

Specific subjects include:

  • The basics of technology and computers
  • Programming fundamentals
  • How to think like a developer
  • How software is made
  • Using code editors
  • Web development: HTML and CSS
  • The JavaScript language
  • Debugging strategies and tools
  • Using JavaScript in web development
  • Using JavaScript in server-side development
  • Creating full-stack web applications
  • Project management
  • A live development project on a real-world software project
  • The job search process
  • How to get hired in tech

How long does it take?

For the five students in the live classes, it takes about six months to run through the entire program. For viewers going at their own pace, of course, it’s different. If you come into the class after it’s started, you can binge the recordings and homework to catch up.

Is it really free?

There truly aren’t any costs involved - not for the five live students. I don’t charge for the classes, or my time, or feedback on homework, or anything.

If there are books or other resources that the five live students need, I provide them to those five people free of charge.

If you’re watching the classes and following along, and you wish to get and use those other resources (books, etc.), you’ll need to purchase them yourself. Considering the potential of a career in technology, I would consider it money well spent. I won’t ever charge for delivering the classes, but some of the books I recommend may be ones I’ve written (I happen to think they’re pretty good!)

Why are you doing this? What’s the catch?

That’s a good question, if a bit cynical :)

I do like helping people, and I love teaching technology. It would be a bit disingenuous of me to say that I’m not getting anything out of it, though.

First, I really am not doing this for money. Beside the fact that it would be really gross to run a free code school and try to make money from it, I can’t do classes outside of my regular employment that I charge money for. It sort of violates some pretty important agreements.

So why do it?

Here’s what I get out of it:

  • An place where I can experiment. There are several tools and learning approaches I’ve wanted to work with for a while, and a paid class isn’t necessarily the place to do that.
  • Content for my YouTube channel and my blog.
  • Brand awareness. I have gradually come to the realization that your personal brand matters. Since I love helping people, and I love explaining technology, I figure making myself better known out on the Interwebs with that brand message is a good thing.
  • Personal joy. It makes me very happy to see people’s “a-ha” moments as they learn something cool, and to see people get good jobs in this industry.

I’d love to have you as part of that, in whatever way works best for you.